Proceedings of the International Conference CKS in Index Copernicus Journals Master List 2012

We are pleased to announce you that the Proceedings of the International Conference CKS-Challenges of the Knowledge Society Conference (ISSN 2068-7796) were positively evaluated in the IC Journals Master List 2012, and resulted in the following score: ICV 3.86 points (ICV=Index Copernicus Value).

The presence of CKS in the IC Journals Master List allows CKS Proceedings the possibility to expand and consolidate international cooperation between specialists in the area of social sciences, as well as to increase its international visibility.

International conferences on social sciences – open calls 2013

We would like to inform “Nicolae Titulescu” academics about several open calls for 2013 conferences on social sciences.
1. EREID 2013 Conference
The Conference on Sustainability Research in the Social and Human Sciences: Why? How? For whom? is taking place on the4th – 5th April 2013, in Quimper, France
Researchers in the Social and Human Sciences (SHS) investigating the sustainability of our modes of collective organization are faced with fundamental questions. Dialogue between the various disciplines within the SHS is unavoidable, as is exchange with researchers in the life sciences. Even if there currently exists a general consensus on the reality of a multidimensional ecological crisis (radical climate change, depletion of resources, loss of biodiversity…), the positioning of the social sciences researcher is more controversial. Continue reading