Professor Hans-Heinrich Jescheck, Requiescat in pace!

With deep regret we must communicate to you the sad news of the passing of the Honorary President of International Association of Penal Law Professor Hans-Heinrich Jescheck last September 27. On behalf of all the members of the Editorial Review Bord of LESIJ ,we would like to transmit in these painful moments our sincere condolences to the family and closest relations of Prof. Jescheck, and to the Directors, Colleagues and all the collaborators and friends of the Max-Planck Institut of Freiburg im Brisgau. Requiescat in pace!


LESIJ – Academic Journal published by ,,Nicolae Titulescu” University in partnership with ,,Pro Universitaria Publishing House” – was recently included in the International Data Base EBSCO – CEEAS – Central & Eastern European Academic Source. Therefore, the main effect is the placement of LESIJ by ,,The National University Research Council” (CNCSIS) in B+ category .
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