Editorial Board


Mircea DAMASCHIN, “Nicolae Titulescu” University
Mr. Mircea DAMASCHIN is full professor at the Faculty of Law of the “Nicolae Titulescu” University in Bucharest (Romania). Since 2009 he is the Editor of LESIJ – Lex ET Scientia International Journal. His areas of competence are criminal procedure law, criminal law, European law of human rights. Please follow the hyperlink for full resume: http://www.univnt.ro/wp-content/uploads/cv_cadre_didactice/CV_Damaschin_Mircea.pdf .

About the Editor
The Editor is the publication’s representative. He reviews all articles and provides suggestions, if needed, about any changes to make before the publication goes to press or is released digitally. The Editor has the responsibility of drawing up budget proposals and any other information requested by the publisher.

Scientific Board

Lorena BACHMAIER WINTER, Complutense University
Mrs. Lorena BACHMAIER WINTER is full professor at the Faculty of Law of Complutense University in Madrid (Spain). In the same University she has taught criminal procedure, civil procedure, justice systems and arbitration. She is a renowned specialist in comparative criminal justice systems and procedure, with special attention on human rights protection. Her legal studies also focus on international judicial cooperation, the European Union process of legal harmonization and the establishment of the Area of Freedom Security and Justice. Please follow the hyperlink for full resume: http://www.ucm.es/data/cont/docs/502-2018-03-10-502-2017-01-23-CV_Lorena_english.pdf.
Corneliu BIRSAN, “Nicolae Titulescu” University
Mr. Corneliu BIRSAN is full professor at the Faculty of Law of the “Nicolae Titulescu” University in Bucharest (Romania). His areas of competence are civil law and human rights. He has served as the Romanian judge at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg for fifteen years. Since 2017, he has been elected as corresponding member of the Romanian Academy – Section for Economic, Juridical and Sociological Sciences. Please follow the hyperlink for full resume: http://www.univnt.ro/wp-content/uploads/cv_cadre_didactice/CV_Birsan_Corneliu.pdf.
Gabriel BOROI, “Nicolae Titulescu” University
Mr. Gabriel BOROI is full professor at the Faculty of Law of the “Nicolae Titulescu” University in Bucharest (Romania). His areas of competence are civil law and civil procedure law. During his career, he has earned important prizes for the scientific research activity, among which we mention the Romanian Academy Award for the “The Commented and Annotated Civil Procedure Code”, the prize of the Romanian Jurists’ Union for the works “Comments to the Civil Code – Personal Guarantees. Privileges and real guarantees” and “Civil Procedure Law”. Additionally, he has been awarded the Diploma of excellence of the Romanian Jurists’ Union for the work “Civil Law Sheets”. Please follow the hyperlink for full resume: http://www.univnt.ro/wp-content/uploads/cv_cadre_didactice/CV_Boroi_Gabriel.pdf.
Viorel CORNESCU, “Nicolae Titulescu” University
Mr. Viorel CORNESCU is full professor at the “Nicolae Titulescu” University in Bucharest (Romania). His area of competence is economy. Please follow the hyperlink for full resume: http://www.univnt.ro/wp-content/uploads/cv_cadre_didactice/CV_Cornescu_Viorel.pdf.
José Luis de la CUESTA, University of the Basque Country
Mr. José Luis de la CUESTA is full professor at the University of the Basque Country (Spain). His areas of competence are criminology and criminal law. He is honorary President of the International Association of Penal Law and Director of the Basque Institute of Criminology. Please follow the hyperlink for full resume: https://www.ehu.eus/es/web/ivac/jose-luis-english.
Francois DIEU, Capitole University of Toulouse
Mr. Francois DIEU is full professor at the University Toulouse 1 Capitole (France). His areas of competence are sociology, demography, social sciences and security. Please follow the hyperlink for full resume: https://www.cercle-k2.fr/users/single/249/Fran%C3%A7ois-Dieu.
Augustin FUEREA, “Nicolae Titulescu” University
Mr. Augustin FUEREA is full professor at the Faculty of Law of the “Nicolae Titulescu” University in Bucharest (Romania). His area of competence is European Union law. Please follow the hyperlink for full resume: http://www.univnt.ro/wp-content/uploads/cv_cadre_didactice/CV_Fuerea_Augustin.pdf.
Koen LENAERTS, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Mr. Koen LENAERTS has been full professor at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. He is currently serving as President of the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg. His area of competence is European Union law. Please follow the hyperlink for full resume: https://curia.europa.eu/jcms/upload/docs/application/pdf/2015-10/cp150121en.pdf.
Gheorghita MATEUT, “Babes-Bolyai” University
Mr. Gheorghita MATEUT is full professor at the Faculty of Law of the “Babes-Bolyai” University (Romania). His areas of competence are criminal law and criminal procedure law. Please follow the hyperlink for full resume: http://law.ubbcluj.ro/index.php/argument/21-caiete-de-drept-penal/cdp-cuprins/45-prof-univ-dr-gheorghita-mateut.
Ion NEAGU, “Nicolae Titulescu” University
Mr. Ion NEAGU is full professor at the Faculty of Law of the “Nicolae Titulescu” University in Bucharest (Romania). His area of competence is criminal procedure law. During his career, he has earned important prizes for the scientific research activity, among which we mention the Romanian Academy Award for the “Criminal Procedural Law”, the prize of the Romanian Jurists’ Union for the whole career. Please follow the hyperlink for full resume: http://www.univnt.ro/wp-content/uploads/cv_cadre_didactice/CV_Neagu_Ion.pdf.
Nicolae POPA, “Nicolae Titulescu” University
Mr. Nicolae POPA is full professor at the Faculty of Law of the “Nicolae Titulescu” University in Bucharest (Romania). His areas of competence are general theory of law and constitutional justice. He has served as the President of the Romanian Constitutional Court and of the Romanian Supreme Court of Justice. Please follow the hyperlink for full resume: http://www.univnt.ro/wp-content/uploads/cv_cadre_didactice/CV_Popa_Nicolae.pdf.
Viorel ROS, “Nicolae Titulescu” University
Mr. Viorel ROS is full professor at the Faculty of Law of the “Nicolae Titulescu” University in Bucharest (Romania). His areas of competence are financial law and intellectual property law. Please follow the hyperlink for full resume: http://www.univnt.ro/wp-content/uploads/cv_cadre_didactice/CV_Ros_Viorel.pdf.

About the Scientific Board
The Scientific Board consists of a group of distinguished academic and legal researchers who promote multinational studies under the auspices of LESIJ – Lex ET Scientia International Journal. They act as ambassadors for LESIJ.
Their main responsibilities are to:
• Make recommendations to the Editor and to the Editorial Review Board regarding the research, development strategies and opportunities of LESIJ;
• Oversee the membership of the Scientific Board and of the Editorial Review Board;
• Provide content by writing legal articles;
• Utilise networks within their region to encourage proposals for multinational studies to be published in LESIJ;
• Provide critical review of studies when requested by the Editorial Review Board;
• Perform other functions as may be deemed necessary or convenient in efficiently carrying out the foregoing or other functions as the Editor may from time to time assign to the Scientific Board.

Editorial Review Board

Paul BUTA, “Nicolae Titulescu” University
Mr. Paul BUTA is lecturer at the Faculty of Law of the “Nicolae Titulescu” University in Bucharest. His area of competence are intellectual property law and financial law. Please follow the hyperlink for full resume: http://www.univnt.ro/wp-content/uploads/cv_cadre_didactice/CV_Buta_Paul-George.pdf.
Marta-Claudia CLIZA, “Nicolae Titulescu” University
Mrs. Marta-Claudia CLIZA is associate professor at the Faculty of Law of the “Nicolae Titulescu” University in Bucharest (Romania). Her area of competence is administrative law. Please follow the hyperlink for full resume: http://www.univnt.ro/wp-content/uploads/cv_cadre_didactice/CV_Cliza_Marta_Claudia.pdf.
Maxim DOBRINOIU, “Nicolae Titulescu” University
Mr. Maxim DOBRINOIU is associate professor at the Faculty of Law of the “Nicolae Titulescu” University in Bucharest (Romania). His areas of competence are cyber law and criminal law. Please follow the hyperlink for full resume: http://www.univnt.ro/wp-content/uploads/cv_cadre_didactice/CV_Dobrinoiu_Maxim.pdf.
Zlata DURDEVIC, University of Zagreb
Mrs. Zlata DURDEVIC is full professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Zagreb (Croatia). Her areas of competence are criminal procedure law, international criminal procedure, international and European cooperation in criminal matters. Please follow the hyperlink for full resume: https://asp.icc-cpi.int/iccdocs/asp_docs/Elections/EJ2017/ICC-ASP-EJ2017-HRV-CV-ENG.pdf.
Cornelia Beatrice Gabriela ENE-DINU, “Nicolae Titulescu” University
Mrs. Cornelia Beatrice Gabriela ENE-DINU is lecturer at the Faculty of Law of the “Nicolae Titulescu” University in Bucharest. Her area of competence is general theory of law and history of law. Please follow the hyperlink for full resume: https://www.univnt.ro/wp-content/uploads/cv_cadre_didactice/CV_Ene_Dinu_Cornelia_Beatrice_Gabriela.pdf.
Cristian GHEORGHE, “Nicolae Titulescu” University
Mr. Cristian GHEORGHE is associate professor at the Faculty of Law of the “Nicolae Titulescu” University in Bucharest (Romania). His areas of competence are commercial law and stock-market law. Please follow the hyperlink for full resume: http://www.univnt.ro/wp-content/uploads/cv_cadre_didactice/CV_Gheorghe_Cristian.pdf.
Mirela GORUNESCU, “Nicolae Titulescu” University
Mrs. Mirela GORUNESCU is associate professor at the Faculty of Law of the “Nicolae Titulescu” University in Bucharest (Romania). Her areas of competence are criminal law and business criminal law. Please follow the hyperlink for full resume: http://www.univnt.ro/wp-content/uploads/cv_cadre_didactice/CV_Gorunescu_Mirela.pdf.
Lamya-Diana HARATAU, “Nicolae Titulescu” University
Mrs. Lamya Diana Haratau is a PhD Lecturer at the Faculty of Law from Nicolae Titulescu University. Her fields of practice are Criminology discipline and Criminal law – general part. Mrs. Haratau is also a criminal attorney at law, has published a lot of studies and books during her years of experience, and it is known as a professional in the field of scientific law research. Please follow the hyperlink for full resume: https://www.univnt.ro/index.php/profesori/asist-univ-dr-haratau-lamya-diana/
Mihai Adrian HOTCA, “Nicolae Titulescu” University
Mr. Mihai HOTCA is full professor at the Faculty of Law of the “Nicolae Titulescu” University in Bucharest (Romania). His areas of competence are criminal law and contraventional law. Please follow the hyperlink for full resume: http://www.univnt.ro/wp-content/uploads/cv_cadre_didactice/CV_Hotca_Mihai_Adrian.pdf.
Pınar MEMIS-KARTAL, Galatasaray University
Mrs. Pınar MEMIS-KARTAL is associate professor at the Galatasaray University in Istanbul (Turkey). Her areas of competence are criminal law, criminal procedure law, sports law, financial crimes, sexual offenses. Please follow the hyperlink for full resume: http://cv.gsu.edu.tr/CV/pinar-memis.
Roxana-Mariana POPESCU, “Nicolae Titulescu” University
Mrs. Roxana-Mariana POPESCU is associate professor at the Faculty of Law of the “Nicolae Titulescu” University in Bucharest (Romania). Her areas of competence are European Union law and public international law. Please follow the hyperlink for full resume: http://www.univnt.ro/wp-content/uploads/cv_cadre_didactice/CV_Popescu_Roxana_Mariana.pdf.
Erika RÓTH, University of Miskolc
Mrs. Erika RÓTH is full professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Miskolc (Hungary). Her area of competence is criminal procedure law. Please follow the hyperlink for full resume: http://www.uni-miskolc.hu/~wwwbe/adatokRE.htm.
Vasilka SANCIN, University of Ljubljana
Mrs. Vasilka SANCIN is associate professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Ljubljana. Her area of competence is public international law. Please follow the hyperlink for full resume: http://www.pf.uni-lj.si/en/faculty/teachers-and-researchers/vasilka-sancin-phd-associate-professor/.
Dan-Alexandru SITARU, “Nicolae Titulescu” University
Mr. Dan-Alexandru SITARU is lecturer at the Faculty of Law of the “Nicolae Titulescu” University in Bucharest (Romania). His area of competence is commercial law. Please follow the hyperlink for full resume: http://www.univnt.ro/wp-content/uploads/cv_cadre_didactice/CV_Sitaru_Dan_Alexandru.pdf.
Laura-Cristiana SPATARU-NEGURA, “Nicolae Titulescu” University
Mrs. Laura SPĂTARU-NEGURĂ is lecturer at the Faculty of Law of the “Nicolae Titulescu” University in Bucharest (Romania). Her areas of competence are general theory of law, human rights law and international jurisdictions. Please follow the hyperlink for full resume: https://www.univnt.ro/index.php/profesori/lect-univ-dr-spataru-negura-laura-cristiana/.
Elena-Emilia STEFAN, “Nicolae Titulescu” University
Mrs. Elena-Emilia STEFAN is associate professor at the Faculty of Law of the “Nicolae Titulescu” University in Bucharest (Romania). Her area of competence is administrative law. Please follow the hyperlink for full resume: http://www.univnt.ro/wp-content/uploads/cv_cadre_didactice/CV_Stefan_Elena_Emilia.pdf.
Francis Gregory SNYDER, Peking University School of Transnational Law
Mr. Francis Gregory SNYDER is full professor at the Peking University School of Transnational Law (China). His areas of competence are European Union Law, WTO Law, relations between the European Union and China, transnational law, international economic law. He is C.V. Starr Professor of Law, EU Jean Monnet Professor ad personam, and Director of STL’s Center for Research on Transnational Law. Please follow the hyperlink for full resume: http://stl.pku.edu.cn/faculty-2/resident-faculty/francis-snyder/.
Zoltán VARGA, University of Miskolc
Mr. Zoltán VARGA is associate professor at the University of Miskolc (Hungary). His areas of competence are financial law, the finances of the pension system. Please follow the hyperlink for full resume: http://jogikar.uni-miskolc.hu/username/civdrvz.

About the The Editorial Review Board
The Editorial Review Board consists of a group of distinguished academic and legal researchers who are in charge to review the studies to be published in LESIJ, ensuring a high standard of the journal.
Their main responsibilities are to:
• Peer review; also help to identify peer reviewers and provide second opinions on papers (i.e. where there is a conflict between reviewers);
• Identify new topics for special editions;
• Provide content by writing occasional editorials and legal articles;
• Approach potential contributors;
• Identify appropriate conferences for editors to attend;
• Endorse the journal to authors, readers and subscribers and encourage colleagues to submit their best work;
• Remain in contact with the Assistant Editors as for the peer review of the studies received for review;
• Advise the Editor on direction for the journal – giving feedback on past issues and making suggestions for both subject matter and potential authors.

Assistant Editors

Lamya-Diana HARATAU, “Nicolae Titulescu” University
Mrs. Lamya-Diana HARATAU is lecturer at the Faculty of Law of the “Nicolae Titulescu” University in Bucharest (Romania). Her area of competence is criminal law. Please follow the hyperlink for full resume: http://www.univnt.ro/wp-content/uploads/cv_cadre_didactice/CV_Haratau_Lamya_Diana.pdf.
Laura-Cristiana SPATARU-NEGURA, “Nicolae Titulescu” University
Mrs. Laura SPĂTARU-NEGURĂ is lecturer at the Faculty of Law of the “Nicolae Titulescu” University in Bucharest (Romania). Her areas of competence are general theory of law, human rights law and international jurisdictions. Please follow the hyperlink for full resume: https://www.univnt.ro/index.php/profesori/lect-univ-dr-spataru-negura-laura-cristiana/.

About the Assistant Editors
The Assistant Editors are responsible for supporting the Editor with the activity of LESIJ – Lex ET Scientia International Journal.
Their main responsibilities are to:
• Provide support in all stages of the publication of LESIJ to the Editor, Scientific Board, Editorial Review Board and to the authors;
• Oversee their own editorial section, such as national or international legal news and events;
• Provide legal articles which are in line with the journal’s direction;
• Upload news and information to LESIJ’s website, keeping it updated.