Impressions after the ceremony of Doctor Honoris Causa for Professor Koen LENAERTS

As promised in our news posted on 2 November 2017, we come back with more information and photos regarding the ceremony for awarding the Doctor Honoris Causa distinction to professor Koen Lenaerts, the president of the European Court of Justice. In front of an uncomprehending amphitheatre, with distinguished representatives of the European Court of Justice, Romanian Constitutional Court, ministry of justice, Romanian Supreme Court of Justice, the presidium composed by the rector of the “Nicolae Titulescu” University (professor Gabriel Boroi), together with the President of the Romanian Constitutional Court (professor Valer Dorneanu), the ministry of justice (professor Tudorel Toader), Continue reading

Doctor Honoris Causa

The “Nicolae Titulescu” University is honoured to inform you that on Monday, 06 November 2017, it will organise the ceremony for awarding the Doctor Honoris Causa distinction to professor Koen LENAERTS, the president of the European Union Court of Justice (please see This title is a recognition sign for Mr. LENAERTS activity, representative academic personality of the international legal education system. We will come back with details and photos of the Ceremony.